The End of Hat Week…

Our annual Hat Week event is about to conclude. We had so many kids wearing interesting, and creative hats! Thank you to all who participated! We will now vote and choose the best boy’s hat, and the best girl’s hat to crown our Hat King and Queen for 2024.
To end our month learning about hats, we played a fun game! We first made two teams. Each team took turns choosing hats to use for our competition.

“I like this hat!”

We then chose one person from each team to sit down and be our hat wearer.

The other kids on each team ran to their hat pile, chose a hat, and ran back to place it on the wearer’s head. We did this one by one until all the hats were piled up without falling over. The team to wear 6 hats first was the winner!

”This is easy!”

”It’s a little bit difficult!”

”Oh no!”

”We win!!”
It was a lot of fun, and all the kids tried their best. Thank you everyone for being a part of hat week this year!